Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

As an illegal immigrant, his safe haven is the home of college girl who has taken him in out of love for him. Being uneducated, unemployed, and in hiding, he is forced to spend much of his time inside her house,sometimes being useful in cleaning, but mostly just wasting time while she is in class or at work.


  1. It looks like rest time, there are cups on the floor and bottles that look medicinal- so maybe this person has been sick. The room and the sitter are both a little untidy- so maybe this is his space (except the bed frame and horse picture throw me off- not typical guy decorations). But I am not sure what the story might be.

  2. I'm not sure what the story might be behind this...I think it's a girl's room- the name written in pink on the windowsill, the pictures on the wall. Maybe it's a guy hanging out in his girlfriend's room because he is sick (chloraseptic next to t.v.) or maybe he's just super tired or lazy. Whatever the story (sick/tired/lazy) he can't seem to even move his head in a comfortable position to watch the t.v.

  3. It looks like that moment when you just get home from work and u kick off your shoes and flop down on the bed. Atleast, that's what the hat next to him and the dirty souls on the socks make me think. I agree, it doesn't look like his room though. The story is pretty fuzzy to me though. I really don't know how I should be reading this.

  4. To me this looks like a person who is either sick or just getting off of work. The medicine by the tv suggests that he may be sick but the fact that he is wearing clothes other than pajamas suggests that he may have just gotten home from work or something similar. I agree with the above comments that this does not seem to be his room, but rather a girls room. This leads me to the conclusion that maybe he had just gotten off of work and had stopped by to visit his girlfriend before going home.

  5. To it me it looks like a lazy male spending a lazy Sunday watching tv. He is so lazy that he chooses to not even turn his body towards the television, just slightly turning his head to watch.

  6. I agree that it seems to be a man who just got home and wants to relax. I don't see another reason the hat would be on the bed and his socks would be dirty. I do sort of get laziness from the picture, as he isn't even making a big effort to watch the television. The atmosphere is a little bit confusing as a couple aspects of it (especially the horse picture) don't exactly adhere to gender roles. It isn't blatantly a girl's room with pink walls or something to that extent, so I'm going to say that his environment wasn't too important in what the artist wanted to say about this guy.

  7. When I saw this image the first thing I thought was lazy and tired. Looking at this image I can really understand how tired he feels. It's like he laid down and got so comfortable that once he decided he wanted watch t.v. he couldnt even adjust to see better.

  8. The mood in this photo seems a bit too tense to be completely relaxed. I'm not sure if the subject is in his own room or in a friends/girlfriends/relatives room. However, he seems comfortable enough to take off his shoes and prop his head up with a pillow. His pose/form does not seem completely relaxed, and while i do not think it is out of laziness or illness, he is facing the television in a very awkward position. I get a very routine, normal feel out of this photograph, as though the subject is simply taking time out of his day to relax for a moment, rest and watch some tv.

  9. I see this as a relaxed moment after a long day of work. It seems like he just kicked off his shoes and laid down with nothing left to do for the day. Might as well turn on the TV, maybe fall asleep. I really wish that his dirty socks weren't cut off on the left edge, but otherwise I think it's a fairly strong composition.
